Hi, I am Tom, who want to be your trainer.
above all,
I am honored to get on this journey with you.
5년후 나의모습
To answer to this question,
I think i need to start with the past, that i have got.
Before I came here,
I am just a man, who likes to handle and make the mechanical stuff, such as robot, drone, and so on. but who was afraid to be standing in front of a group of people and speaking something in english like most of my friend here.
But, after I saw the man, named "dennis hong", (who are a robot engineer),
delivering a speech to many audience on TED, as a speecher, "in English",
I could get the idea of english, that was different from what i got before.
that's why I thought I need to learn English.
From my brother's friend, named "Iann",
I got to know about this center, called CETC, 8 month ago.
and I took this sparta class with any hesitance.
In the beginning of this journey,
To enhance my english ability better than before is my only goal.
I was passionate as much as other people.
I spent most of my time reviewing topic, writing the sentences, and doing something "by myself".
But, the more the time went, the more I got to realize the things that was wrong.
there was person in my space.
From that time, slowly, I've learn about the "Communication".
and i've began to be considering what the communication is.
And finally i got to the truth for it.
that is :
"To be a good speaker, who can belongs to wherever,
we need to have trained for a way way long time."
during that time, we need to face with various situation, where we have to handle it in English.
Through that time, I believe that we can be getting close to a good speaker, that we have wanted.
Now, I give the answer to this question.
at the time, I will be the person, who are training ,
as one of the engineer, as one of the trainer,
wherever I am.
That's all. Thanks.