맞춤형 상담신청




트레이너 리스트트레이너 레벨명예의 전당
  • Legend
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  • Rising star
  • Rookie
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    Let me introduce myself.

    My name is Jayson.

    Dreaming a dream is real interesting and charming thing ever in one's life.
    That can make me feel real alive and explain why I'm here.
    Enjoy myself and every moment as last time.

    " Rolling stones gathers no moss. "

    5년후 나의모습

    As a general manager, I'll make a big deal with the other companies.
    Moreover, I'll never forget enjoying my life and feeling happyness in my life.

    I guess at that time I'll set a another more big dream to do somgthing for other peoples
    and do my best doing it come true.



트레이너 영상


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스터디 개설내역


스터디개설내역 게시판. 총 2개의 게시물이 등록되어있습니다. (1/ 1 page)

스터디개설내역 게시판
번호 시간 제목 접수기간 인원 상태 미션영상
2 warm up 주말(토)
Step by step 2011.05.14~2011.06.05 0/6 마감
1 warm up 주말(토)
Step by step 2011.05.14~2011.06.05 0/6 마감
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